It’s time to get back in the saddle of blogging. Believe it or not, I’ve actually missed spending time at the keyboard. Part of my absence was due to the final push to get everything ready for the kick-off of Great Escape Quilt Camp. But the other issue came from the failing (failed) graphics card in my laptop. With only so many hours in a day, and each day’s list being longer than 24 hours worth of work, prioritization had to take place. I’m happy to say that I’m back up and running on a different machine and these fingers are flying along with more stories to tell and beautiful quilts to share.
Even during the past 4-week push of readying the house, I still held classes and met with customers for their long arm work. I bet you’d like to see some of the snap-shots taken to share here on my blog.
Shall we begin?
I think that sums up the rest of the story for the quilt related events happening to date. I’m really looking forward to sharing more and more of the exciting work being done by my students.
Stay tuned! Beautiful things are about to show up!! Until next time, may your bobbin never be empty
Love your blog! Nice work ladies!