I don’t know where 2019 has flown away to, but we are in the middle of the year and I don’t think we are going to slow down one bit. With that as the beginning of this post, I can only say, Yipeee! Hang On Vera!!! We’re going for a ride…. And that’s just what we did last Sunday. We had hopes of seeing the open spillways on the dam, which has only happened a very few times over recent history, but alas, we had missed it. We still had a lovely adventure and saw some new things we hadn’t seen before.

While I know this isn’t about quilting, it’s just a sample of what my days have included over the past month.
This happened too!

Along with a few birthdays, and a soon to celebrate anniversary, some of this was happening too!

These three smiling faces belong to some amazing ladies! One of them is a quilter, and has never tackled piecing a top…of any kind…ever. Another has made several Judy patterns, and the other is beginning her second Judy pattern. We had a terrific time together.

My fourth student for the day, here is another happy quilter working on her Prismatic Star. It continues to amaze me how striking the individual color choices are and how each one brings so much life to these patterns.

And here is the fifth student in the class, working on her Rustic Mountain Snowflake (Quiltworx). It was an incredibly busy day for us. Everyone did a fantastic job of tackling their objectives. We parted ways at the end of the day, with each student having a plan for their homework to complete before the next class day.

Yes…wonderful presents arrived at the classroom too. It was my birthday, and I had an absolute blast spending my day doing what I love, and enjoying these ladies as we worked together to bring something they envisioned to life. I am blessed beyond measure to be able to call something I love “my job”.
I read somewhere that if you make your living doing what you love, you will never work a day in your life. And for me….it is the truth. Blessing upon blessing!
Have a fabulous day! And may your bobbin never be empty!!