I love, LOVE to buy fabric. It’s almost an art form in itself. And it’s even better when I get to help someone pick out fabric for their project.
Today, I got to help a dear friend shop for a couple pieces of fabric that she needed for her Quiltworx pattern, Grandma’s Wedding Ring. She is soooo excited about this project. And she is doing such a beautiful job on it too!

This is Jean’s 4th class with me, and every project she tackles is more beautiful than her last. Her color sense is spot on, and I’m so pleased to be a part of her paper piecing adventure. What I love about teaching is that it only takes a few minutes before my students become friends. We had the best time today, shopping for her “cornerstone” fabrics to go along with her arcs.
She is working with the Quiltworx Strip Set “Cobblestone” by Timeless Treasures, and I have to say, they are simply beautiful. The colors are rich and warm throughout the collection, just inviting you to look again and again at how well they play together. Jean has done such a lovely job of piecing and I couldn’t be more proud of her.
We met at Clubb’s Fabric Store on Main Street in Delta, CO to accomplish this mission. After visiting about ideas on how to find the perfect colors to coordinate with her project, we then headed over to the “batik wall”.

And as you can see, Clubb’s has a wonderful display of batiks to play with. It’s way better than a candy store in my humble opinion! Definitely a feast for the eye. If you ever get the chance to visit this little gem of a store on Colorado’s Western Slope, you’ll be transported back to the fabric store of old where they have everything under the sun relating to sewing and fabric and quilting.
And then the search began. I truly expected it to take an hour to find the perfect fabrics, but Jean was on a mission and she landed her selections in less than 5 minutes! I’ll tell ya, she is awesome at this. It was so much fun to watch her in action!

Next task for the day was to enjoy a tasty lunch at a wonderful little mom & pop restaurant 3 doors down. It was so good! But then, it’s always easy to enjoy a meal when your companion is doing the happy seat dance on her side of the booth because she is so excited to get home and back to working on her project.
All in all it was a wonderful outing.
I’m so inspired….time for me to get my machine humming too!
Till next time…..may your bobbins never be empty!