What inspires you today? What is it that spurs you into action? Is it a sunny day with a brilliant blue sky and puffy white clouds? Or the laugh of a child? Do you have deadlines looming for anything? Is it the colors of a blooming summer garden? Or, do you simply long for time to sit at your machine and feel the fabric shushing through your fingers as your machine hums along?
There are so many ways to find inspiration for a project, and I think that is remarkable and fascinating. For myself….it varies greatly from day to day. But today, my inspiration comes from deadlines. Followed very closely by the desire to tackle at least a dozen new patterns! Lol!!
As to my deadlines, I am currently working on the long arm for several customer items. I can’t share them with you just yet. But I will as soon as they are returned to their respective homes, and I’ve been given permission to post them.
Most of these items will be either in the Black Canyon Quilt Show (BCQS) that will be happening in Montrose, CO from July 12-14, or the shows boutique. You can find more information about the show at: http://www.blackcanyonquiltshow.com Just click on the link and it will take you to their website. Once there, you can see all the wonderful things available to the attendees, including stunning quilts entered in a wide variety of categories; amazing teachers and education options; fabulous vendors and the shows very special boutique which sells handmade items created and donated by the members of our three local guilds. Each year, the BCQS Board selects a local charity to be the recipient of the proceeds from the sale of these items. If you are close by, or even if you are not but would love a road trip, make a point to drop in and be amazed at the amount and variety of talent that resides in the Uncompaghre Valley. It will knock your socks off!
The next deadline is to finish working through the planning for my teaching schedule for the third quarter (Q3) of 2019. I’ve been teaching at Fabrics and More in Montrose, CO since October of 2018, and just earlier this month began talking with Clubb’s Fabrics in Delta, CO about teaching at their store as well. By the end of June, we should have some amazing classes lined up at both locations for Q3! Q4 information will follow as soon as I can get that arranged as well. As soon as that information is available, I will post a calendar for alI to see. I have to say, I am over the moon excited. Stay tuned!!
But what my fingers are the most itchy to do, is to start on these!

Or, these!

I am so incredibly excited to start working on all of these patterns. From one day to the next, I can’t decide which to start first. I might use the “eenie meanie miney mo” method, or the “blind grab bag” method, or the “choose a number” method to assist me, but then again, I might just use them all and then still change my mind. Who knows! But to say the least, all of them inspire me and they will all be under my needle at some point.
And of course, there are always the projects that are waiting in the wings for me to get back to, like these beauties.

So, you see…it’s not so much about finding my inspiration, but rather, figuring out which one of my inspirations will be at the head of the line. Hmmm, yep, it’s like that for me. Deadlines first, and then the wrestling match begins for the next available opening.
I can remember as I was growing up, my mom would always say, “Work first, play next.” And I would grumble, just as my kids did when I said the same thing. Now, I’m telling myself that as well. But to be honest, when the work is done first it makes the play time so much better! So, with that said….I’m off to work…”Hi Ho – Hi Ho – It’s off to work I go…(whistling sounds abound!)

I love my job…I truly do!
Until then—may your bobbins never be empty. (Or mine either! Wheeee!!!)