What a fun day I had today. Just as much fun as I had yesterday. I love working with my students to help them create the living version of what they envision in their minds eye.
Today I helped another student layout her blocks for the quilt she’s making as a gift. Kenda is also working on a wedding ring pattern by Quiltworx, titled “Flowers for My Wedding Ring”. She selected the “Taffy” strip set byTimeless Treasures to create her arcs, and this is how they turned out.

There are several things to consider when setting the arcs for this pattern. Things like color placement and sequence across the quilt, corner stone placement for where the arcs connect to the next block…not to mention number of completed circles that go across and then down the piece to complete the layout of the body of the quilt.

Once all this is sewn together, it will create the center of the quilt. After this comes a “Flying Geese” border, followed by a large outer border where she will place appliqué flowers. Every step of the way, her work becomes more and more of what she envisions of the end product.
We also spent a little time working on the turned edge method of appliqué that she will use for the flowers, leaves and stems needed to finish this beauty. I couldn’t be more proud of her progress!
Like everything in our lives these past several months, it’s been a struggle to find a way to continue moving forward. I’m so pleased that between us, Kenda and I have found a way to stay connected and continue making progress on her project. It’s been a struggle at times, but completely worth the effort. It’s definitely no small thing to be able to have a face to face class like we did today.
If you would have told me a year ago that some of the most important tools in my teaching arsenal would be my phone, iPad and laptop, I would have humored you and given a nonchalant nod. Now…they are vital tools.
Today, I use text messages and pictures to pinpoint a question area for a student. Phone calls and coaching happens several times through a project. And for those who either live too far away, or just plain feel more comfortable at home, services like Zoom and Google Meet have become necessary and common place to stay in touch and in front of each other. This is a skill set that I never expected to acquire. But in all honesty, it’s a good one to have and be comfortable with. I’m not really a “techie”, but Praise Be that I’m married to one who knows how to interpret my questions and help me fulfill the needs of both my students and myself. I’m grateful and appreciative these avenues are available for the everyday person to utilize in order to do the things we love.
Someone once said that if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life.
I whole heartedly agree with this sentiment. And these past two days have been evidence of that…because I call this playtime…..at MY office!!
Until next time…may your bobbin never be empty!
Awesome post.. RVQ!!
Kenda.. beautiful work… my Bali Wedding Star is ready for assembly.. can’t wait to get it on a design wall and see it come together! Ladies.. rock on!!
Thanks so much for your comments and encouragement, Judy! It’s always great to get the input of a fellow CI-in training. I know your’s will be stunning as well!
Today was a very productive class session.
As Melody said, I knew what I wanted the quilt top to look like in my head, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it happen. Once we started placing the blocks on the design wall, it all came together like magic.
Today’s class is the product of several google meet classes, and countless text messages with pictures for questions in between virtual classes. And only a couple frantic phone calls for emergency help.
Through these challenging times, Melody has found a way to continue to teach what she loves, and I am very thankful.
Thanks so much for your comments Kenda! It really was a fun and fulfilling day. Such a good outcome with all your hard work! I enjoyed our class time, and YOU, very much. Thanks for letting me be a part of your creative vision!!
May your bobbin never be empty! Love this! 💕
Thanks Lori! I love looking at the world with a positive attitude…wishing for full bobbins, to me, means the same as “Let the fun begin!” And I think we all could use some of that these days.