Well, yesterday I was looking for that rainbow. You know, the one that comes out after a bit of a storm and brings sunshine and happiness with it.

Not to sound all down and out, but yesterday…I could have used a rainbow. Yesterday was the beginning of the Phase 2 Certified Instructor training in Montana. I would have left two days ago to get there ahead of the start time, affording myself a good night’s rest and to make sure all my luggage would be on hand since there frequently is a “delay” in arriving there with everything in tow.
I’m a bit sad that I’m not there. Mmmmm…maybe a bit more than that. But deciding to delay my training time was, and is the right decision regarding the last bit of recuperating that’s still happening due to my December issue. Don’t have to like it, but have to admit when the right decision is made.
Rainbows have always been special to me. Not just because of the wonder of them and how they come into being. But some of my favorite things in life have been influenced by rainbows.

Years ago, when I was a young and carefree college student, I traveled with a Drum and Bugle Corp out of Hutchinson, KS, called the Hutchinson Sky Ryders. They have long since disbanded, but my time in the corps was full of excitement and hard work. They have a Wikipedia page which you can find here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_Ryders_Drum_and_Bugle_Corps , and also a website that gives a more personal history, found here: http://www.skyryders.com And yes, you guessed it, rainbows were a big part of their theme…a ”Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “Wizard of Oz” kind of thing. Totally apropos since they were originally based in Kansas.
It goes without saying that “Wizard of Oz” is one of my favorite movies from my childhood. So much so that when I returned home from my time in Moscow, USSR in the mid 80’s (as a nanny for an American diplomat), I will forever more equate the change from there to the free western world with the same kind of difference Dorothy had in walking from the world of black and white into the living technicolor world of OZ. Some things simply leave lifetime impressions.

Living on the farm, rainbows brought good things with them, generally. The best of the good things was life giving rains to our crops. The not so good things were the hail storms finished by the rain. And the horrible things came with straight-line winds or tornados which also finished with rainbows. Through all of them, rainbows were the beauty and sunshine in the moment bringing hope and peace to my heart.
In my quilting world, I am always drawn to quilts with rainbows. I’m continually amazed when I meet people who don’t like them, or think they are overdone. But for me, they always bring sunshine and hope into my day.
Currently, I’ve got a pattern in progress that is one of my certification portfolio projects. It’s called Rainbow Hosta Queen. All the piecing is completed and just needs to be assembled.

I’ve also got this beauty waiting for the long arm. It’s called Rainbow Crystal, and is one of my very favorites.

There is yet another Quiltworx rainbow in the planning stage that I’m still working out the color placement, which I will share later. It will be so amazing when it is done…I know it will be another treasure.
And then there is this one. I call her “Color Junkie”. She is my riff on a bargello and an original method that I used by “smashing together” the techniques from three different patterns into one to create something that has no corners to match and has a unique twist to her visual appeal.

I think, when it all boils down, my favorite part of rainbows is the color spectrum. Color just makes me happy and lifts me to a better place. My mood improves and I begin to “turn that frown upside down”. Rainbows get it started for me, and colors of all kinds keep it going. And sunshine. You can’t get a rainbow without the sunshine.

So now…I’m going to go play with some color…I’ve got lots of it in my stash. Tubs and tubs of stash. I think I’ll start with the batiks and work from there.
Oh, it’s a good thing. My fingers are getting itchy to touch some fabric and litter my tables and floor with some fabric and color. Yessss…. Rainbows are so good for my soul.
Maybe you should try your hand at playing with some of your rainbow. You never know what kind of inspiration you’ll find!
Until next time, may your bobbin never be empty!