Do you use that phrase? Just puttering around.
I did a fair amount of that this weekend. You know, doing the busy work of a home…some laundry, some dishes, a bit of cooking and so on.
The laundry and dishes are the same for us all. And pretty much so is the cooking, but over the weekend I did some batch cooking so that I’d have a few things for later in the week. There was a huge stockpot of vegetable beef soup that bubbled away for an afternoon. And some Keto snacks for us to have on hand when the urge to nibble makes its appearance. A favorite for the man of the house is Key Lime Cheesecake Tarts, and for me it was Lemon Poppy Seed Scones. Other menu items were Keto Stroganoff, a Chicken Tortilla soup, and Baked Salmon with a Parmesan Basil Crust. Left overs and snacks to get the week started. Can’t get any better than that.
And a bit of this happened.

You could call it murder on the dining room carpet, but we just call it a de-stuffing. And the culprit sat right there to be caught. Buster doesn’t like the oven, so whenever it gets turned on, he gets wound up and super nervous. We’ve found some “calming treats for dogs”, which only work so-so. But sometimes, the bugger gets a bit more anxious which ends up in a floppy toy on the floor. I just gathered up the stuffing and put it back for the next time he gets antsy.
I did get some sewing time in. This is what my desk looks like when I’m working. Kinda messy…but it’s all part of the work I love.

I also started laying out the blocks for this quilt. It’s another Moda Bakeshop like what I’ve written about before. This one uses a #5 Recipe card, and the quilt that I’m laying out is called “Ganache”. Only about half of it is on the design wall right now. I’ll lay the other half out tomorrow and then rearrange anything that might need it. This design actually has sashing between the blocks which I’ll add into the construction once I’ve decided on the final placement. It would just be too large for the design wall if I put them in now. But, the jury is still out…I might just go ahead and call this arrangement good and add extra borders to reach the size I want. I dunno…it’s a process.

So, that’s pretty much the weekend for me. Kinda restful, kinda busy…..but mostly…. Just puttering. Feels good to go a little slow for a couple of days. Makes the merry-go-round of the regular week that much more fun.
Until next time, may your bobbin never be empty.
Oh Judy…you know you’re making me blush…thanks so much for such kind words.
Well said! I soo agree with the above comment!
Lot’s of blushing going on here. Thanks so very much!
Oh Melody, of all the talents and artsy things you do, your writing skills are high on the list! You are so beautiful and amazing and just plain FUN! Love you 😘🤗